The conventional definition of management is getting work done through people, but real management is developing people through work.
Team management and small group dynamics have to be balanced in the school system. The complexity of school operation has to be addressed with the effectiveness of leadership, managed with learning yearnings.
Academic practice calls for an acute and meticulous planning and review of the scholastic and co-scholastic process that includes, talent acquisition, nurturing, training, motivating and empowering. The big task of the school is to bring the best out of the people.
A focused approach and result oriented educated and trained staff of TDI International School will surely fill the gap between academic performance and value inculcation, that are on top of the school’s agenda, keeping has minded the limitations of traditional teaching practices.
We shall attempt to share across, success stories, best practices tools and techniques, and approaches to the critical issues of education.
We seek your support, guidance, and blessings in this great task.