Admission Open 2024-2025

British Council International School Award (ISA)

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British Council International School Award (ISA)

It was a proud moment for TDI International School , when it received International School Award (ISA) by British Council for the year 2019-22,  in recognition of its work to bring the world into the classroom. We successfully designed, developed and inculcated an international dimension in the school curriculum through a colourful bonanza of activities.

 The students and teachers worked in unison to achieve the objective of giving globally conscious ethos to the school. Under the mentorship and guidance of our Principal Mr Harender Sharma, with zeal and zest of one and all involved, we accomplished our mission and brought glory to our school by getting the award. The Accreditation has opened windows to other countries and cultures, giving teachers and pupils a new outlook of the world. It has prepared one and all with skills of life.

We are proud of this achievement as during the process of accreditation, students have explored their creativity and innovation to the fullest and have learned a lot to become global citizens.

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